Aged Little Sadhu : Samsara in Motion

Aged Little Sadhu : Samsara in Motion

The title of this blog entry may seem a little disparaging,  though repeated efforts to initiate conversation or a relationship came to nothing.   All I know about this man was that he was an older man,  diminutive in stature and by his appearance was definitely a...


My previous blog post described the role of the Karta at Manikarnika Ghat at Varanasi;  the white cotton-clad males who lead the antyesti rituals on the ghats of Manikarnika, one of the most auspicious cremation sites in the Hindu world. Although moksha can be...
Karta : the White Men of Mannikarnika

Karta : the White Men of Mannikarnika

The men with the white cotton clothes and the shaven heads are conspicuous amongst the sacred,  infernal landscape of Mannikarnika Ghat, the most auspicious cremation site in the entire country of India. Often separated from family and friends, they sit upon piles of...
Hand Dancer on the Ganges

Hand Dancer on the Ganges

Mudras are gestures used in classical Indian dancing in order to visually convey both inner feelings as well as external events or activities.  They also have a spiritual association where they facilitate the flow of energy in the subtle body and enhance the...