A Stretch of Goddess

The notion that a river can be a Goddess intrigued me even before my, and my son’s,  trip to the Kumbh Mela in February 2013 . Water has long been considered to be a medium of spirituality and its presence, often as a purifying agent, plays vital roles in many...
A Strange Story of Banana Trees

A Strange Story of Banana Trees

Well the festival has been and gone and I am now at Varanasi at the Yogi Lodge listening to John Mclaughlin over the speakers in the empty restaurant area. The owner is  called Ahmed with a love of western music and regularly Pink Floyd, Doors and other esoteric ( I...

I Felt Like Bowser

Can a brain be totally destroyed and completely frazzled? Can a personality be entirely lost or distorted? Can a reality be altered, a way of looking at the world developed from childhood be undone and a substitute landscape be programmed in which is entirely alien...