
Please find below and in the drop down menu above links to images available for digital download,  a developing service where Galleries are being replaced  with galleries of images for purchase and download.  Similarly printing is a service becoming available;  please see here

The images are from travels throughout the countries of India, Morocco and the UNited KIngdom,  and mostly portray the notion of ‘Sacred Landscapes’ found within those countries.  A ‘Sacred Landscape’  can be considered a landscape which constitutes an amalgum of history,  tradition,  myth and sacredality.  Each country has its own set of characteristics.

An image can be purchased for downloading by clicking on a photograph and proceeding through the simple purchase procedure.  Each image is available in 3 resolutions,  low ( 1000 dpi ),  medium ( 2500 dpi ),   and full,  an image reproduced from the original raw file at its maximum size.  Full resolution is mostly appropriate for the reproduction of the largest of photographs which can be framed and wall hung.

A digital download Licensing policy can be found here;  please read and be clear that the copyright for images purchased clearly resides with Geoffrey Billett.

To arrive at the Purchase download collections please follow either the website’s drop down menus above or the following links :


           India                                              Morocco                                    United Kingdom