I have commenced an online BA Hons Photography degree with Falmouth University.
One of the early assignments was to photograph ‘Found Objects’, which I chose to interpret as existing environmental arrangements which caused me to experience ‘phenomenon’, or sensation. I am capturing a ‘feeling’ within myself which I re-experience when I view the objects again as images, and maybe others experience when they view the images themselves. I am not trying to photograph beauty per se. I walked along the River Hayle from its issuing into the sea and the local beach, back into the town’s old dock and landscape nearby.
Hayle was an important harbour for importing coal from south Wales to feed the engines of the local tin and copper mines, as well as for exporting ore for smelting and beam engines to other parts of the world.
2nd January 2025
I have completed the first term of the online BA Hons Photography Degree at Falmouth and made a submission of photographs from 4 short Projects which will be assessed over the next few weeks before the next term commences on 20th January.
I have decided to make this a ‘rolling blog’ which documents my way through that course and where images can be posted here. That submission is below.
PHTO110 Explore S1 (24:25) Final 2 Low Res